Aloe Vera gel with KI
This is a fat-free (very) easy to make lotion/gel (depending on how thick the Aloe Vera gel is):
- 100 ml of Aloe Vera gel
- 1/4 tsp KI (= potassium iodide)
- Combine in container
Wombats high iodine cream with added Lugols
- One jar of Wombats high iodine cream
- Add Lugols 15% until the color of the cream is quite brown (like rust). I use two droppers (dropper of a 100 ml bottle). If you use Lugols with a lower concentration, than the cream will be watered down more.
- Stir the Lugols in with a plastic utensil (iodine is abrasive to anything metal)
- The dark colour will fade over days: the cream absorbs the Lugols completely
Lugols old fashioned strength
Used may 2012, I’m still using this bottle in may 2014.
Be careful: I2 stains and is abrasive. Don’t touch it with your bare skin. Use tweezers in stead. Also, I2 evaporates at temperatures lower than 20 °C (= room temperature). These vapours can irritate your eyes as well as the delicate mucous membranes in your nose. So don’t hang over it. Keep it covered right up to when you need it. When you measure it out, use paper to line the scale, or it will get damaged (stained).
Ingredients + utensils:
- 1000 ml dark glass container that can stand the abrasive action of iodine, pay special attention to the lid: most plastics can’t stand iodine. You’ll have to get a bottle/container fit for abrasive chemicals.
- 50 grams I2 , I find prills very easy to work with
- 130 grams KI (equals 100 grams I−)
- Wooden/plastic/glass stirrer
- 1 liter of distilled water (I use tab water, but then we have very good tapwater in Holland, I get a little sediment because of this, but nothing major)
- piece of paper to make a funnel, baking paper works well, because it’s smooth
How to do it:
- Heat ¼ liter of really warm distilled water, you should just be able to touch the water. You can heat the water up in the microwave or au Bain-Marie.
- We’re going to dissolve the KI first. While KI dissolves, it lowers the temperature of the water considerably, thereby lowering the amount of KI that can be dissolved. Starting with really warm water will prevent this from happening.
- We dissolve the KI first, because I2 dissolves far better in water with KI than in plain water.
- Transfer the water to the dark glass container
- Add the KI using a funnel. Stirr / swirl until dissolved.
- Now add the I2. You can do this by making a funnel out of a sheet of paper (fix it with a bit of tape):
Stirr / swirl until dissolved. This may take some time, depending on the temperature. It might take a whole day, so just leave it to dissolve.
Then add distilled water until 1 liter is reached.
You do not want to add the water right after you added the I2 because I2 dissolves much better in a high concentration of KI than in a low concentration. - Add a label to your glass container to specify the content + date.
SSKI is far easier to make then Lugols. Since KI is not abrasive and does not stain your kitchen tools, you don’t have to take any special precautions.
Ingredients + utensils:
- 1400 gram of KI
- 1 liter of distilled water (I use tab water, but then we have very good tapwater in Holland)
- 1 liter dark glass container with lid
How to do it:
- Heat ¼ liter of really warm distilled water, you should just be able to touch the water. You can heat the water up in the microwave or au Bain-Marie.
You can use cold water, it will then take quite some time for the KI to dissolve completely - Transfer the water to your dark glass container
- Add the KI, use a funnel to get it in. Get the lumps out first.
- Add distilled water until 1 liter is reached.
- Add a label to your glass container to specify the content + date.
Iodine (I2) in lanoline
Lanoline is the fat that exists in the wool of a sheep. It is very well tolerated by the skin. It is thick. It smells of sheep, but this smell dissipates after a while.
This salve is useful if you want to treat something on the skin. For instance a yeast spot, or mole or zits. It is not suitable for open wounds, because it spreads out only after rubbing with a quite bit of force. You might use if for the edge of a wound though.
Because of its thickness it stays put very well. The colour is that of sheep poop (sorry). The more you spread it out, the lighter it gets. It is sucked into the skin very well. Once it’s absorbed, the colour is gone. But the fattiness remains. So best used at night or well before you go out to give it time to absorb into your skin.
I use it on my husbands yeast spots on his back. I myself use it on pimples on my chin.
The lanolin protects the skin from the abrasive effect of the iodine.
The amount I made on 2013-05-27 was tiny, but I’m still using it today (may 2014).
Ingredients + utensils:
- 10 gram liquid lanolin (Now Foods)
- 0,5 gram Iodine crystals
How to do it:
- Crushed the iodine crystals in pestle and mortar, both lined with clean white office paper. A bit stuck to the paper. Was left with 0,459 gram of iodine.
- Added the iodine to the lanolin in a dark glass container. This now is 0,459/(0,459+10) * 100% = 4,4 % iodine.
- According to the original recipe, you should add the iodine by little bits and then each time stir for an hour, keeping the lanolin at 75 degrees Celsius. For every 0,5 gram of iodine he takes an hour. That’s nice if you have a lab. I don’t, so this is how I did it.
(I’m not sure how important it is to keep it at 75 degrees Celsius. This would be below boiling. I usually had the water boiling below the bowl. The end result was fine, so I’m guessing it doesn’t matter much.)
- I heated the glass container au Bain-Marie: pan with hot water, bowl on top of the pan that shouldn’t touch the water. Put the glass container in the bowl and then put a lid on the bowl.
- Roll the liquid around in the glass jar every hour or so. It’s amazing how fast the iodine dissolves into the lanolin.
- Leave the lanolin on the stove until the iodine is dissolved completely. This is hard to see by the way: it gets so dark at the end. I left it on for four hours total, but I suspect it was dissolved sooner than that.