
Zinc is necessary for the immune system. Vitamin A (retinol, not betacarotene) needs zinc to work.

My experience

In the spring of 2014 I developed severe depression and anxiety. After doing research, I found that my symptoms very much resembled those of pyroluria. So I started high amounts of zinc and B6 (as p5p). My racing thoughts calmed down almost immediately (probably the zinc balancing high copper). It took a few weeks for the depression to subside though (zinc). Boils imporoved (zinc). Digestion improved (zinc). Detox improved( B6). Edema improved (B6).
I don’t know if I actually have pyroluria, I didn’t have a test. But the checklist helped me figure out I was severly deficient in as well zinc as B6. The zinc deficiency wasn’t to strange, because I had been having extreme stress that started a month before. Also, I have been detoxing for almost three years now, which adds much stress anyway. Because of the ongoing detox, my liver is using up large amounts of B6.
Now that the zinc was balancing out the copper, my body quited down and I felt that my hypothyroidism still wasn’t really gone yet. So I’m upping my Thiroyd from one grain to two grains ( started august 1 2014).
Btw: I didn’t have the white flecks on my nails that usually signify zinc deficiency. This is usually one of the first symptoms to appear on any zinc deficiency checklist. Everyone is different: just see if you have quite a lot of the symptoms on the checklist. Mine were: depression, racing mind, boils, gastric problems (diarrhea, constipation, undigested matter, foul smell,…).
You should find your own dosage, but just to give you an idea: I take between 100 and 150 mg per day. I’m going to do the zinc taste test as soon as I can get it.

Zinc supplemtation

In the beginning it was hard for me to take my zinc, because it made me nauseated. I found out that the following helps:
  • Zincum metallicum (homeopatic) helps zinc to get into the cells
  • Try different kinds of zinc chelates or zinc picolinate
  • Try zinc lozenges, I like the ones from Nature’s Way. If you suck them slowly, they get absorbed through the mucous membranes.
  • Take some kind of acid with your zinc
    • ACV
    • Vitamin C (helps with the absorption of zinc)
  • Make sure your B6 status is well:
    And if your B6 is very low, you will find it hard to take zinc. Zinc will make you feel nauseated, bloated or uncomfortable.
    Vitamin B6 is the vitamin that helps to absorb zinc better, and large amounts of it (along with the rest of the B complex) usually solves all PMS problems.  See my web page on PMS for more info on that).
  • Have some patience. It takes weeks to months to get sufficient in zinc once you’re really badly deficient.

You have to be a bit careful supplementing high levels of zinc, because you can get zinc toxicity. Use the taste test to see how sufficient you are.

The Zinc Assay Taste Test

There is however, a simple DIY taste test first reported in the medical journal, The Lancet, that can help determine physiological zinc levels. This test uses Premier Research Labs Liquid Zinc Assay, an easily absorbed form of supplemental zinc sulfate heptahydrate, to yield rapid and accurate results. Quite simply, you taste a teaspoon full of the Zinc Assay and will find that you experience varying tastes based on your body’s current needs. If your are deficient in zinc, the liquid will taste like water, while if you have adequate levels it will taste bitter. You can assess your levels more specifically using the guide below.
Zinc Taste Test
or this one.

Zinc in general

This site provides extensive information on zinc: http://drlwilson.com/Articles/ZINC.htm

  • functions of zinc and deficiency symptoms
  • sources of zinc and a worldwide zinc deficiency
  • identifying zinc deficiency
  • zinc assessment and supplementation in nutritional balancing science
  • relationships to other minerals

Zinc deficiency => diarrhea => malnutrition => impaired immunity

FIGURE 1 : Interactions among events related to zinc deficiency, malnutrition and diarrheal disease.
You can tell from figure 1 that zinc deficiency produces a loop of downwards spiraling health. Zinc deficiency causes diarrhea. The diarrhea causes malnutrition. The malnutrition causes poor immunity. The diarrhea itself causes loss of electrolytes and zinc, which in turn prolongs the diarrhea, etc.
Recent clinical and experimental findings have reinforced the link among zinc deficiency, malnutrition and diarrheal disease.
  1. The gastrointestinal tract may be one of the first target areas where zinc insufficiency may be manifested.
  2. Insufficient protein intake may often be the cause of zinc deficiency
  3. In zinc deficiency, the organism is more susceptible to toxin-producing bacteria or enteroviral pathogens, producing diarrhea and diminishing absorption of nutrients, thus exacerbating an already compromised mineral status.
  4. Zinc deficiency may impair the absorption of water and electrolytes.

You can download the full text from the site or here.

Zinc and stomach acidity

Zinc is necessary for the enzyme that makes stomach acid (carbonic anhydrase), and isn’t freed from food well without adequate stomach acid. So low zinc is highly correlated with low stomach acid.

Deodorant: zinc oxide


Switch from aluminum filled deodorant to zinc oxide

Don’t sweat it

Q: As you know, the chief exposure to aluminum for many folks is their daily dose of deodorant, soaking that aluminum through your skin all day. But trying to find a deodorant that works but contains no aluminum is quite a challenge.

Here’s the answer: zinc oxide ointment. Rub it on generously before bed and then wash it off in the morning. I don’t know why it works better this way, but it does. That will be the last time you use it for three to fourteen days, depending on how much sweating you do. And a three-ounce tube costs less than $2.00.

Dr. Wright: Thank you for apparently discovering a new use for this old standby, ordinarily used for baby’s bottoms, and as a very effective–although cosmetically interesting–sunblock. What you describe makes logical sense, as topically applied zinc is a well-known germkiller, eliminating most microorganisms on contact. Since you e-mailed this tip to us I have tried it myself, and it works for me, too!

Of course while killing germs and eliminating odor, zinc oxide does not impair the natural detoxification process of sweating. Unfortunately (or not) there’s as yet nothing safe and natural in general use that will do that. But eliminating odor is excellent, and besides, you’re probably getting a small zinc supplement with every application, too!

Recipe to make your own deodorant with zinc oxide as its main ingredient: http://curious-soapmaker.com/natural-cream-deodorant-that-really_6.html. There’s also info on this page about sweat in general.

My deodorant

(may 2014) I now use zinc oxide in avocado oil as deodorant. I make a thick paste of zinc oxide and avocado oil. So thick that there’s no avocado oil pooling on top. I use my index finger to apply a thin coating every morning. Maybe I could try not doing it every day.

Nano particles

Most of the studies describing the really bad (i.e. crossing cell membranes and binding to DNA) properties of nanoparticles are for particles well under 100nm, usually under 50nm.

Temporary filling in tooth

Many people don’t know but zinc oxide is the same thing the dentist use to make temp fillings. you mix a small amount with 100% pure clove oil. Mix until you have a playdough or clay like consistency, roll into a ball and push into cavity works awesome for lost fillings.

Also see


(Wikipedia zinc oxide): Zinc oxide can react violently with aluminium and magnesium powders, with chlorinated rubber and linseed oil on heating causing fire and explosion hazard.

Where to buy


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